Play Therapy Professional™ Certification Requirements
Obtaining certification as a Play Therapy Professional™ requires a commitment to comprehensive training and skill development. Our six-month-long program consists of weekly sessions, with the therapist meeting with their facilitator over Zoom for an average of 75 minutes per week. Throughout the program, therapists engage in immersive learning experiences, totaling approximately 32.5 hours of live training and approximately 20 hours of self-paced “homework.” By dedicating themselves to regular participation and active engagement, therapists lay the foundation for becoming proficient and confident practitioners in the field of child-centered play therapy.
The Play Therapy Professional™ Mission
The Play Therapy Professional™ program mission is clear: to preserve and advance the child-centered, non-directive model of play therapy.
The Play Therapy Professional™ certification program exclusively adheres to and is deeply rooted in the pedigree and legacy of child-centered play therapy’s founders, as well as the extensive research conducted to validate the efficacy of this model. We honor and acknowledge the pioneering work of figures such as Virginia Axline, Carl Rogers, Garry Landreth, and others who laid the foundation for the child-centered approach. We are committed to preserving and promoting these principles throughout our certification process.
Program Intent
The Play Therapy Professional™ certification program serves as a bridge between academic training and practical implementation of child-centered play therapy services. We aim to teach standards that not only ensure the competent, professional practice of child-centered play therapy but also facilitate the seamless transition from theoretical knowledge to real-world application.
By conferring the Play Therapy Professional™ certification upon those who meet these standards, we aim to help consumers identify licensed clinical mental health professionals with specialized training and experience in the child-centered approach.
Program Content and Key Features
The Play Therapy Professional™ certification program spans 6 months, comprising 26 weekly Zoom meetings facilitated by experienced professionals. Each cohort is intentionally limited to 6 participants per group to ensure personalized attention and interactive learning experiences.
A distinctive aspect of our program is the emphasis on video session review. We have found this to be the most effective method for guiding therapists toward mastering their skills and providing exceptional play therapy services. Through thorough analysis and expert feedback during these sessions, therapists gain invaluable insights and practical strategies that significantly enhance their therapeutic practice.
Throughout the program, participants engage in approximately 32.5 hours of direct, live instruction, complemented by approximately 20 hours of offline activities, including homework assignments and self-study materials. Additionally, there are 24 session reviews scheduled, allowing each participant to receive feedback on their own sessions and benefit from observing and learning from the sessions of their peers.
- Foundations of Play Therapy
- Core beliefs & philosophy
- Applied Play Therapy
- Practical application & how-tos
- The 4 Pillars of Play Therapy
1. Reflective Responding
2. Choice Giving
3. Limit Setting
4. Encouragement - CCPT efficacy & evidence
- Phases, Stages, and Timeline of play therapy
- Enlarging the meaning
- Plus 13 advanced CCPT topics
- Play therapy service delivery
- Parent consultations
- Note taking
- First and last sessions
- Effective articulation of play therapy to caregivers
- Parents
- Schools
- Legal/Medical
- Delivering Play Therapy with excellence
- “Selling” play therapy during initial consultation
- Client vs Customer distinction
- Scheduling and staying organized
- Customer amenities
- Office appearance
- Cards
- Phone calls/receptionist
- Developing scripts and systems
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does the program cost?
Play Therapy Professional™ certification is $149 per week for 26 weeks. You are not responsible for paying up-front. A credit card is kept on file and charged $149 each week.
Is the certification program accredited or recognized by any professional organizations?
We provide detailed, weekly content summaries and schedules during the program. We encourage you to inquire if this time can be applied to other programs. The responsibility lies with you to spearhead that effort. Ultimately, the Play Therapy Professional™ Certification is a stand-alone program.
Are there any prerequisites or requirements for enrolling in the certification program?
First, you must have a master’s degree, be pre-licensed or licensed, and be legally able to conduct play therapy sessions with clients.
Second, it is highly recommended that you have some background in child-centered play therapy theory. We have successfully certified very “new” CCPTs, but understanding person-centered and child-centered theory is recommended. The goal is to have you specialize in child-centered play therapy and passionately adhere to the model.
Finally, because we review videos of sessions, you must have the ability to conduct play therapy sessions with a child and video record those sessions. We provide example video consent forms, but ultimately, you are responsible for obtaining proper permission and consent from caregivers to video record sessions.
Is Play Therapy Professional a U.S.-only program?
No, the Play Therapy Professional™ Certification program is not limited to the United States. It is a standalone coaching program open to professionals worldwide who are legally authorized to practice child-centered play therapy with children in their respective countries.
What is the format of the coaching sessions?
The program consists of live, weekly Zoom calls, as well as online hosted video and other content (PDFs, etc.) housed in the learning portal.
Your cohort has a set day and time you will meet every week for 26 weeks. Those meetings are conducted via Zoom, and they are always recorded. You will never miss any content, even if you miss a live call.
What resources and materials are provided as part of the certification program?
The vast majority of the content is delivered live, via Zoom calls. There is also supplementary content (videos, PDFs, etc.) that is made available in the learning portal.
Additionally, we recommend several important books, such as Child-Parent Relationship Therapy [Bratton, S. C., Landreth, G. L., Kellam, T., & Blackard, S. R. (2006)], and Art of the Relationship [Landreth, G. L. (2002)]. The list of books we recommend will be listed in the learning portal during the weeks when the book content applies.
What ongoing support is available after completing the certification program?
Participants have lifetime access to the content in the learning portal and the Zoom recordings.
Many participants desire to continue meeting, so we have set up special post-certification coaching groups to continue to hone your skills.
Finally, we recommend membership in the CCPT Collective ( which is an online community specifically for child-centered play therapists.
Do I have to renew my certification yearly?
No! There is no renewal fee for the Play Therapy Professional Certification.
Contact Information
For inquiries or further information about the certification requirements, please feel free to reach out to our team. We are here to support you throughout the certification process and answer any questions you may have.
Mailing Address:
The Hicks Group, LLC
3766 E Lake Dr.
Land O Lakes, FL 34639